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  • 2 years ago
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  • Free profile publication
Price: 200000$
  • Base City

    Russia, Moscow

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  • Purposes

    Relationship of convenience, Serious relationship, Online chat

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  • Can go to

    China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Mali, Mauritius, Mexico, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland

About Nastya Virgin

I am a very decent girl. I like to read books, I get higher education. I have never been in a relationship, but I really dream of a man who will make me his happiest princess. I enjoy writing fanfiction and poetry. I go to dances, I like jogging in the morning. In general, I am a very calm girl. I dream of a prince

I imagine that my boyfriend will meet me in the afternoon, and we will go to look at the city from above in a helicopter, he will admire my beauty and make a lot of compliments. Then we'll go to dinner and there will be fireworks for me all over the sky. I will be in a beautiful dress, and he will hug me. He will give me a Cartier bracelet and the keys to my new Mercedes car. I will be very happy and feel like the best girl in the world

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