Base City
Italy, Verona
Body (cm)
Relationship of convenience, Serious relationship, Online chat
English, Italian, Hungarian
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About Martina Virgin
I'm a young girl who never experienced having a relationship. I enjoy to do: handcrafting, reading, drawing, spending time with my family and dogs, I am an university student and I have a part time job to pay my fees and help my family, but sadly it is not enough still. I want to do this experience because I want to help my family who helped me and given to me everything they could with sacrifices and because I want to study without the fear of having a job which takes from me a lot of energies and time from studying and could ruin my health. I don't like parties or go to where are a lot of strangers. I don't smoke and I don't drink alcohol. I'm ready to go to any doctors. I will talk only with serious and really interested people, scammers and people who just make me lose my time aren’t welcome
I would like that in a date both of us enjoy the spend time with each other's company. Maybe in a Caffe with a good coffe and cappuccino. But any place is perfect the most important thing is that the meeting is going well and both of us is enjoying it and the place is where we just won't be disturbed. From the first date I would like to have a conversation during which each of us will understand whether a continuation is possible.
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