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A girl for marriage

  • 4 years ago
  • Profile publication is paid
Budget: from 5000$
  • Meeting point

    Russia, Novosibirsk

  • Name


  • Location

    Russia, Novosibirsk

  • Age


  • Languages

    English, Russian, Italian

  • Can go to

    Belarus, Russia

About Sergei

I am looking for a girl to marry, capable of love, who wants to live in a village.

Always keep my word, head of the family, athlete, energetic, strong, strong-willed, hardy, talented, disinterested, generous, attentive, sensitive, creative, and caring. I set myself big goals and achieve them. I have a deep mind. I am fond of construction, architecture, travel, football, skiing, and hiking. I am looking for a girl to marry, capable of love, who wants to live in a village.

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