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Meeting that YOU will find successful.

  • a month ago
  • Profile publication is paid
Budget: from 1000$
  • Meeting point

    Belgium, Bruxelles

  • Name


  • Location

    Belgium, Bruxelles

  • Age


  • Languages

    English, Russian, French, German, Dutch

  • Can go to

    Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom

About LyDenBeste

The most important thing for me is that YOU enjoy the meeting. For me, a successful encounter is one that will leave you with good memories and make you lose your virginity PAINLESS.

I am a very nice man. I took a woman's virginity, without her suffering. This is the guarantee that I can do it without pain. I only want to meet a girl if I think that we can pass a nice time together. For this it is necessary that 1) We know each other quite well. 2) That we prepare well enough for the meeting. 3) And that we both agree on how, where and when the meeting will take place. I'd rather not have a meeting than have a bad meeting that you will regret. I speak French, Flemish, English, a bit German and a I have some notions of Russian. We can meet in most country of the European Union, and in Turkey. Leyden (°november 1958)

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